Shwmae! Welcome to Arting

What does ‘Arting’ mean?

Everything begins with making marks, creating art, or ‘Arting’ as I like to call it. To take part in ‘Arting’ means that it is an activity that includes craft-making and is playful, non-judgemental, and experimental.

One of my favourite places in the world is Morocco.   This picture was taken at Jardin Majorelle, Marrakech - a wonderful garden designed by Jaques Majorelle, a landscape painter.

One of my favourite places in the world is Morocco.
This picture was taken at Jardin Majorelle, Marrakech - a wonderful garden designed by Jaques Majorelle, a landscape painter.

My name’s Marion Webber and I’ve been working in the field of Arts in Health and more general participatory arts for over a decade.

Studies* have proven the benefits of taking part in creative activities that support our daily lives.

I founded Arting Celfio during 2020, to enable Healthcare professionals and artists specialising within Arts and Health to collaborate and provide high-quality, tailor-made, person-centered arts projects.

I am a practicing artist based in South Wales, with extensive experience in Participatory Arts Practice. This has given me the privilege to work with diverse participants on many commissions resulting in the installation of artworks in both temporary and permanent exhibitions. My art practice and knowledge inform how I collaborate and co-curate projects with Healthcare professionals and fellow artists within the field of Arts in Health.

I have an MA (with Distinction - Arts Practice Arts, Health and Wellbeing) and gained a PGCE PcET Teaching Qualification (Post-16 and Adult Education sectors). I deliver creative workshops, informed by reflective practice and a commitment to continued professional development that connects, and provides meaningful activities that value people’s input and stories.

I’d love the chance to discuss your ideas for projects, so please drop me an email.

The artwork below are examples from my own practice. If you‘d like to see more, I’m on Instagram: @artings_and_inklingsMy personal art website is:

*Further information on the studies

“Marion, as always, a wonderful opportunity to see the amazing work you do and the extraordinary talents of the communities you engage with. Such a lovely project with beautiful tactile artwork and such personalities speaking through their art.” -

- Ann Culverhouse-Evans, The Attic, Porth visited Touch a Flower, Talk to Me, Plaza, Llandough Hospital September 2019